Scrapkit of choice or the one I'm using by Missy. It's called Midnight Whispers. It comes in both tagger and full size. I personally think it's worth the purchase there is so much that can be done with this kit.
Thank You Missy for allowing Me to write tutorials with this kit -hugs and kisses-.
Tube, font and mask of choice or Mine.
This tutorial is one that is not generally a style I use alot but I wanted to try to work with some of My masks more that I'm always getting through share's and as challenges in My groups. Some of them are just so pretty and alot of fun to play with. Anyhow here We go.
Open the mask and tube in psp. Choose two colors from the tube You like. Turn the foreground into a gradient angle and repeats 0 invert unchecked and style linear. Open a new image canvas 800x800 blank and flood fill it with Your gradient.
Go to layers new mask layer from image and on the pull down choose the mask You have open in psp source luminance checked and everything else not checked and click ok. In Your layer pallete delete the mask layer and then right click and merge group. Now open Your tube go to edit copy and edit paste as a new layer. Place it onto the mask (use My tag as a reference) and pull it down a little bit if You choose to do so. Now hightlight the mask layer in the layer palette and go to selections select all float selections defloat and selections invert. Choose the tube layer and hit delete and then selections select none.
With Your eraser tool erase the excess that's on the edges of the frame and the overlap that's outside of it and on the leaves. Effects 3D effects drop shadow vertical and horizontal 2 opacity 40 blur 10.00. Begin to add Your elements. I added the lamp from the kit and resized it and erased the top just a bit to get the hook off so that it looked a little bit with the mask and then I gave it the same drop shadow as above. I also added some of the elements I liked and gave them all the same drop shadows. You could use brushes word art anything. The possibilities are so endless with this mask and tag so try to experiment and see what You like most.
Click on Your font tool and with the same colors You used before but set to regular choose the font that I supplied and type out Your name or whatever it is that You might be typing. I used size 75 vector and then changed it to a raster layer. Now You could also make the name rotate to go along the left side border but I chose not to this time. Give it the same drop shadow as before only change the blur to about 2 or so. Now copy and paste the copyright to Your tag and go to image resize by 55 percent or so and move it where it looks good to you. Now resize or crop Your image if needed and save as png and then Your done.