Scrapkit by Sarah from Pimp My Tags W/Scraps. If You can't get this one use another Halloween themed tutorial. Any will work with this tutorial as all My other's.
Thank You Sarah hon for letting Me use Your kit -hugs and kisses-.
Template by ButterflyFlutterby Creations.
Thank You for sharing Your templates hon -hugs-.
Tube of choice. I am using the work of Elias Chatzoudis. You can find His tubes and licensing information here.
Font of choice.
Penta VTr2 optional.
Penta Jeans. It's at the same link as above.
I am dedicating this tutorial to My friend Tony. You might be gone but Your never fogotten. I miss You and love You as much as I did 4 years ago when You were taken way too soon from Me. Good Night My Rock. I will see You one day.
Ok open the template and tubes in psp and minimize the tube. On the template hold down shift while pressing D on Your keyboard to duplicate the template. Close the original out. Delete the copyright layer and background layers as We wont' be needing them. Go to image canvas size 700x700. You can crop or resize later if You need to. With Your dropper tool choose a light color and dark color from Your tube or the kit and in Your layer palette choose the Bracket Backplate layer. Layers new raster layer and flood fill this with a color of choice. Selections select none and delete the original layer. Effects 3D Effects drop shadow and give it a shadow of choice I used vertical and horizontal 2 opacity 50 blur 5.00 color black. Repeat it with the vertical and horizontal set to -1.
Choose the next Bracket Backplate and using Your magic wand click on it in Your canvas. Layers new raster layer an flood fill it with a gradient of choice. I used angle 180 repeats 1 invert unchecked and linear for the style. Selections select none. Delete the original layer. Effects Plug ins Penta.com VTR2 and use the default settings. Give this layer the same drop shadows You used on the previous layer.
In Your layer palette choose one of the bar layers. Holding down Your shift key click on both layers in Your canvas. Layers new raster layer and flood fill it with Your dark color or whatever color You used on that very first layer. Delete the original layers. On the dotted lines layer for the blend mode I placed it on soft light.
On the small bracket backplate use Your magic wand once again. Layers new raster layer and flood fill it with a color from Your tube. Effects penta jeans amount 20 border width 4. I did this twice. Now up up Your tube and position it kind of the way I did. If Your using another tube You can always select the original layer in Your palette and use Your magic wand and edit copy on Your tube edit paste as a new layer and then selections invert and delete the excess from the tube. Now add the same drop shadows as before and delete the original layer.
On the Beary Scary Halloween layer go to selections float selections defloat. Layers new raster layer and flood fill it with a color of choice. Selections select none. Give it the same drop shadows as You did with the other layers and delete the original text layer. Choose the Bracket Infill layer and click on it with Your magic wand and from the kit Your using find a paper that matches Your colors or close to it and edit copy and edit paste as new layer. Selections invert and hit the delete key on Your keyboard. Selections select none.
In Your layer palette highlight the Bracket layer and go to selections select all selections float selections defloat. Layers new raster layer. Flood fill it with a color light than the paper You used or whatever fill You chose. Use the same drop shadows as previously. Delete the original layer.
On the bracket infill layer use Your magic wand and with Your tube go to edit copy and edit paster as a new layer. Selections invert and hit delete on Your keyboard. Give it the same drop shadows as previously put the blend mode as overlay and slide it down under the frame if You haven't done so already. On the tag layer use Your magic wand and click on the canvas. Selections modify expand by 2. Layers new raster layer and flood fill it with a color of choice. Give the tag layer the same drop shadow as You used for all other layers. Now all that's left is adding all of Your elements from the kit with Your name typed on the tag and Your all done. Save as png.