Scrapkit by Tiny called Luvin Music. If You can't get this kit follow along with another. Any kit will work for this tutorial as with any of My other's.
Rock chick template by ButterflyFlutterby. Look under templates and You will see it.
Tubes of choice.
Font of choice.
Open the tubes and template in psp minimize the tubes and on the template Shift+D to duplicate it and then delete the original. Image canvas size 700x700 and delete the copyright and background layers on the template. We won't be needing these. Open a paper from the kit and go to edit copy and on the Splatter layer go to selections select all selections float selections defloat and the paste the paper as a new layer. Selections invert and hit the delete key on Your keyboard. Selections select none.
Delete the original layer and on the Splatter layer You made go to adjust add remove noise add noise gaussian and Monochrome checked noise 40%. You can always use Your own settings. Effects 3D effects drop shadow vertical and horizontal 2 opacity 50 blur 3.00 color black.
Choose the back bar layer in the layer palette and with the magic wand click on the canvas and find another paper that compliments Your color scheme and copy it and paste it as a new layer to Your template and do as You did above. As You already have a shadow with the back bar don't give it a drop shadow unless You want to add a bit more definition of the layer. Delete the original layer.
Top fill frame use Your magic wand and get those ants marching and then hold down the shift while You click the other frame fill be sure to make that layer highlighted in the palette or Your ants will march all around the tag instead of where We want them. I had a small play with blending a few papers on top of one another and playing with the blend modes and opacity. You do this all in the way You did everything else. Use Your imagination and do something different after all this is Your tag not Mine and it does not need to be a carbon copy. When Your done go to selections select none and delete the original layers.
Repeat the same steps on both the top frame layer and bottom frame layer. With Your eye dropper tool click a light color from a color on Your tag and look in Your materials palette and take note of the H and S numbers go to adjust hue and saturation colorize and colorize the staples that are above Your frame layer. Delete the word art layer.
Choose the large note layer and with Your magic wand click the note in the template. Choose two colors from the tag or paper and go to Your materials palette and click on the gradient tab. Make a gradient with Your foreground and background colors. Layers new raster layer and flood fill this with that gradient. Selections select none and give it that noise effect but use the settings You like best.
Colorize Your top staple layer as You did with the previous one. I'm sorry I overlooked it. Choose a frame from Your kit. Preferrably one that is very small or an element large enough to put a background into along with Your tube. Paste it onto Your canvas. You might have to resize it and if You do go to image resize by 10 percent or whatever is needed all layers unchecked. With the magic wand click inside the element or frame and find a paper or color You like and paste it as a new layer or flood fill on a new layer selections invert and hit the delete key on Your keyboard. Selections select none. Open the tube Your using and paste it as a new layer. Again use Your magic wand on the element and place the tube exactly as You'd like it then selections invert and hit the delete key so that the excess tube is trimmed.
Duplicate the tube layer and on the bottom one go to adjust blur gaussian blur 5.00 and click ok. On the top tube put the blend mode in the layer palette on soft light and go to effects texture effects blinds and give it a very light blinds effect.
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