This is Her newest kit and She has many many other's so please take a gander at all She and the store has to offer and I know they are offering some freebies for a limited time.
If You can't get this kit any Thankgiving or Fall themed kit will work just google free scrapkits and I'm sure on My blinkies and links You could find one or two.
Template by Butter from ButterflyFlutterby Creations.
Tube of choice. I am using tubes from the kit by Debbie.
Font of choice.
Thank You ladies for allowing Me to use Your kit and template in My tutorials -hugs-.
Please leave some love when You download.
Ok open the template and tube in psp and minimize the tube. Hold Your shift key while at the same time pressing D on Your keyboard to duplicate the template. Close out the original. Delete the copyright and background layers We won't be needing them. Image canvas size 700x700. You can always crop or resize later if You need to.
In Your layer palette for the group layer go to selections select all selections float selections defloat. Find a paper in the kit You like and open it in psp and go to edit copy edit paste as a new layer selections invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard to trim off the excess paper. Selections select none and delete the original layer. On the doodle layer go to selections select all selections float selections defloat layers new raster layer and flood with a color that is either slighter darker or lighter than the paper You chose for the group layer. Delete the original layer and on the one You just filled give it a light blinds effect by going to effects texture effects blinds with the following settings width 2 opacity 10 color black the other two boxes marked and click ok. Effects 3D effects drop shadow vertical and horizontal 0 opacity 40 blur 2.00 color black.
Do raster 3 the same way filling it with a slightly darker color to compliment the one's You've used so far and give it that same drop shadow not forgetting to delete that original layer. On the back rectangle layer find another complimentary color for it and go to Your magic wand and click on that layer in the canvas and go to layers new raster layer and flood fill it with the color You chose. Effects texture effects weave the gap width and opacity all on 1 weave color black gap color black and the box checked now click ok. Delete that original layer and go to effects 3D effects drop shadow and use the following settings or one's of Your own horizontal and vertical on 2 opacity 50 blur 10.00 color black and repeat this with the vertical and opacity set on 0.
Choose the Inner BackRectangle layer and use Your magic wand using it on the canvas go to layers new raster layer and fill it with a complimentary color. I just used the colors that were set inside my swirls background from the paper as most papers are textured therefore it gives You other colors to play with to match. Selections select none and give it the same blinds effect You did on the swirls.
Now choose the dotted line fill layer and with Your magic wand click on the canvas layers new raster lay and fill it with a complimentary darker color. Delete the original layer and back on the one You just filled give it the same blind effect You did the others. Go to the outter dotted line layer selections select all selections float selections defloat add a new raster layer and flood fill this with another complimentary color. Delete the original layer and give it a drop shadow with the following settings horizontal and vertical on 1 opacity 40 blur 2.00 color black. Do these same steps for the inner dotted line layer.
On the circle background layer use Your magic wand and click the circle in the canvas and when the ants are marching go to selections modify expand by 2 and with that same paper as You used on the swirls edit copy edit paste as a new layer. Selections invert and hit the delete key on Your keyboard. Selections select none and delete the original layer. On the black I'm stuffed text layer give it the same drop shadow We just used. Leave the white circle frame shadow as is and click the layer above that one and using Your magic wand click on the canvas to get those ants marching and go to layers new raster layer and flood fill it with another complimentary color. Selections select none and then give it that same texture weave we did before on the other frames layer. Give this layer a drop shadow of vertical and horizontal 1 opacity 40 blur 10.00.
Now on the eyelet and tag eyelet layers go to adjust hue and saturation colorize and adjust it to match the colors of Your layers. On the tag layer use Your magic wand and go to layers new raster layer and flood fill the layer with one of the lighter colors You have used. Selections select none and give it the same blinds effect that's been used. On the black tag Happy Thanksgiving drag that layer under the white one just below it. Effects 3D effects drop shadow vertical and horizontal 1 opacity 40 blur 2.00 color black. On the tag screen color go to selections select all selections float selection defloat and layers new raster layer flood fill it with a similar color to Your tag color and delete the original layer leaving the shadow layer Butter already has in place. Now on that same string layer You just filled go to that same blinds we did before but change the options where there is no check on light from left/top all other settings remain the same. Then delete the black outer text layer.
Another option You have on all the text layers is You could colorize them or fill them but I left them as they were. Now all that is left is adding Your tube and the kits elements. Now if Your adding the elements of the kit I'm using Your going to have really resize them down. As in the girl I had to go to image resize by 15 or 20 percent and so on with the other elements. After adding all the elements You want add Your name and voila Your finally done.
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